Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Be Inspired!

;Years ago one of my co-workers at a local radio station here in DC put a fabulous bumper sticker on her locker that said "you laugh because I'm different; I laugh because you're all the same". This was a fitting phrase for the sista' because she was indeed unique and I truly admired her for it. In fact, I admire anyone who is brave enough to go against the grain, especially those people who express this desire in all that they are/do/wear/say. I guess that's why I love folks like Erykah Badu, Andree 3000, Fertile Ground, Madonna, and the list goes on...

There's another sister who's been popping up on my radar for the last year named Nawja Moses. You may have seen her picture or read her name on some of the more popular fashion blogs or maybe you've come across her on the black blog scene, either way if you've seen her, I guarantee you couldn't have forgotten her. Just this week, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Ms. Afrobella caught up with Najwa and decided to dedicate an entire post to this phenomenally fabulous woman. Since Afrobella did such a good job introducing Najwa Moses, I'm going to cut this post short and recommend you head over there to learn more about Miss Najwa, but before you do, you gotta check this out!

You go girl!!!!

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