Monday, July 7, 2008

Thank you sista!!!

Hey Ladies (and Gents),
Hope you had a great holiday weekend. I spent most of the weekend close to home, though I did get a chance to enjoy an hour of sweet restorative yoga at one of my favorite places on the planet, Shakti. You know, despite all my talk about taking care of the mind, body and soul, I am as guilty as the next woman when it comes to not taking time out for me. I've been moving at full speed for the last few weeks trying to get my life in order and all the while ignoring the aches and pains, dismissing the headaches as "rain induced sinus attacks" or explaining away the crazy nightmares I've been having as a sign I need to sweep under my bed - don't ask. Anyway, I realized after taking my yoga class that I was suffering from too much stress. Me, the woman who used to rearrange my work schedule so I could go to meditation class, and would be PISSED if I missed it. Me, the woman who has only one response to people who complain about feeling bad, "You need to do some yoga". Yes me, the woman who tattooed this on her wrist as a constant reminder of how important it is to leave all the mess behind and focus on the beauty of now. Anyway, I feel better now and I have to thank Ms. Ananda Leeke for inviting me to join her this weekend - girl you are a lifesaver!

Speaking of Ananda, did you get a chance to listen to last night's BAP Radio broadcast? If not, no worries you can listen to the recorded version here. I was so honored to be asked to participate in this month's show. You can catch me at the very beginning but please listen to the entire show. Each one of the women on the panel is an incredible example of how Black women are stepping up and taking control of their destinies. Rock on my sistas!!!

Let's see, what else? Oh, we're still working on the blog integration website thingamajig. I hope to have some good news soon.

Also, I'm working on an exciting Cocoa Mode for August. Maybe you can help, I'm looking for women of color who are using on-line dating sites to meet men. It doesn't matter if you're having lots or little success finding the man of your dreams, I want to talk to you. Please email me at More on that later.

O.K. I gotta run...Have a great day!

1 comment:

Ananda said...

first i love the andinkra symbol that you used. transformation.... oooh wee. i needed a reminder. what great news about cocoa mode expanding. glad the yoga class opened you up to yourself. me too. and thanks for the wonderful words about bap living. you rock too.