Friday, May 30, 2008

I Got the Fever!!!

Only time we don't speak is during "Sex and the City". She gets Carrie fever, but soon as the show is over she's right back to being my soldier - Jay-Z (Bonnie & Clyde 03)

Carrie Fever that is. Like millions of other women across the country, my girlfriends and I are planning the ultimate girls night out this weekend complete with martinis and the girls of Sex and the City. What is it about Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte that excites women the world over? Could it be that deep inside we all wish we could be a little quirky, sexy, driven and naive at the same time. Not to mention, what woman wouldn't enjoy walking the streets of Manhattan in fabulous clothes and $800.00 dollar shoes? (C'mon admit it).

Aside from all that, I'm super excited to see Academy Award winning actress Jennifer Hudson do her thing. In all the buzz about the original cast coming together again, many mainstream outlets have forgotten that they have a bonafide Hollywood star in their midst. But we haven't...We see you Jennifer...You go girl!!

Anyhow, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and even if you don't get a chance to see the movie, why not call up some of your best girlfriends and enjoy the weekend together eating, drinking and having loads of fun. You deserve it.


P.S. GO PISTONS!!!!!!!!! & RED WINGS!!!!!!!!


Ananda said...

I am excited too.

Anonymous said...

I could care less. these women are shallow, contribute nothing to society in any way, and happily live in a world that sees black women as invisible or ugly. The editors of magazines like vogue have made it clear- they think black women are unworthy unless they chemicalize their hair, are no darker than a paper bag, and get plastic surgery for their noses. Or, they are esteemed as an exotic and bizarre other. Congratulations on drinking the kool-aid.